Evangeline is from Tonga and she first came to Lower Hutt ETC in July 2018. She was extremely quiet. She had not long been in New Zealand. She was ready to go on the NZCEL Level 3 General programme. In her time at ETC, Evangeline completed the NZCEL Level 3 General, Level 3 Applied and the Level 4 General. Her initial goal was to become a nurse. As time went on her goal changed and she wanted to become a social/community worker. ETC said goodbye to Evangeline in December 2019 as she was ready to embark on her next learning journey. Evangeline decided to go to WelTec and do a Health and Well-being Level 3 course as a pathway towards her goal. At this stage, Evangeline was still interested in the social work area. On completing the Health and Well-being programme, Evangeline realised that nursing was what she wanted to do. This led her to a Level 4 Foundation as a pathway to nursing. Here she is, in her nursing uniform, studying in the first year of her degree in Whitireia.
Evangeline’s message to our students – keep pushing through and don’t give up. Reach your goal! Student support services are there to help you on your next learning journey. I didn’t think I could go this far. Don’t worry about what other people think. Evangeline then says to our students, that she is nervous because she is not a public speaker. As I watch her, I see how her confidence has grown. She is standing in front of students that she has never met before, sharing her story and doing it with a positive and confident voice. We are so proud of her and her achievements. Thank you for sharing your story Evangeline, you’re an inspiration to our students.
Evangeline LAIATEA, Tonga

Anh Gia Bao NGUYEN, Vietnam
Trung NGUYEN, Vietnam